
I want to receive the invoice addressed to a company/association etc. (registration via the group registration form, upon receipt of the payment we issue an official invoice)
Year of birth
Confirm the E-mail
Mobile phone
T-shirt - size chart
Barefoot running
Special food (vegetarian)
Course length (Istrski maraton)
I would like to receive the offer for accommodation to my e-mail address (I agree that my e-mail address can be used by accommodation providers also for the future offers)
I want to register now for the PARTNER RUN PACKAGE (for both Mali kraški maraton and Istrski maraton)
Discount code (voucher)
I confirm that I am familiar and agree with the Call for Runners conditions and privacy conditions.
PLEASE! Make sure the data you entered is correct. Only this way we can keep you informed effectively.
By signing the registration form, participants confirm all the stated data is true, and accept the terms and conditions of the execution of the event and all race conditions. They declare they are healthy, fully prepared for an active participation and have had a medical examination. They will follow all the instructions given by the organizer and will participate at the 11th Istrian Marathon at their own risk. They confirm they are familiar with all the risks and dangers that may occur during the competition and declare they will not demand any compensation claims from the organizer. They agree the organizer uses and publishes their personal data, photos, videos and statements in the media without claiming any refund. The organizer will use and save the participants’ personal data in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act (Ur. l. RS, no. 94/07). By taking part at the event, participants agree the organizer processes their personal data and uses it for the following purposes: statistical analysis, sending off offers, promotional material and invitations to similar events. The stated personal data can be stored and processed by the organizer with no limitations or until a written revocation by a participant. Participants have all rights stated in the Consumer Protection Act (Ur. l. RS, nos. 98/04, 114/06, 126/07, 86/09, 78/11 in 38/14).